3 o'clock in the Afternoon
To follow
formerly palazzo verde
{day} days
Since the Wedding 03.03
Drew was on deployment in the Philippines and was staying in a hotel near Geline's place. They met online and had their first date at Bloom Cafe, where Drew gave Geline the cherry from his drink. She thought it was really sweet, especially when Drew said he likes cherries but he wanted her to have it.
Drew began seriously pursuing Geline.
July 3, 2022
For 4 months, Drew did the Filipino culture of courtship, "panliligaw". Since day 1, Drew proved his pure and sincere intentions to Geline.
On July 3rd, 2022, exactly 4 months since their 1st date, she confessed loving him back and made them official.
Sometime in 2022
When Geline brought Drew to her Dad's resting place, Drew made a promise to her Dad that he will take care and love her. Geline sobbed realizing her Dad is no longer there to walk her down the aisle in the future, but Drew comforted her, saying everything's gonna be okay. And everything, indeed, was okay.
March 2023
Drew, Geline, and her elder sister went on a trip together in Japan. Drew took the opportunity to seek the blessing of Geline's "Ate", next in line to their late father.
Ate Sandra was happy to give her blessing. Drew & Geline began planning their wedding.
"Geline and I attended the same high school; I was a freshman and she was a senior. I never imagined that the emo/punk looking 'Ate' I used to go to school with would eventually become a close friend one day. After many years and connected only through social media, I noticed Geline’s posts on her socned suggested that she had recently broken up. I was going through something at that time as well so I thought I could help by keeping her company or if she needed - someone to listen. My heart, being the curious adventurer that it was, saw an opportunity to connect. I decided to take a chance, mustering the courage to start a conversation. Armed with a mixture of apprehensive excitement and genuine concern, I contacted her and asked if she would be interested in hanging out. I was happy when she responded with a gracious yes. The day of our meeting arrived. Our conversation flowed effortlessly and she was kind enough to share stories of resilience and growth, turning the pages of her life with grace. Ultimately, that seemingly impulsive choice to get in touch with Geline resulted in the revelation of a strong soul hiding behind the charming façade. It was about seeing how strong a person might be when enduring life's ups and downs that from then on I knew I found a genuine person, one I can look up to. My favorite memory of Geline that I don’t think I’d ever forget was her unexpected presence at my father’s funeral. As she is a low maintenance friend like me, we don’t regularly talk nor do we go out all the time, I was really surprised. Friends who I expected would be there weren't but she was. I’ve never appreciated her more. She shared a few heartfelt words, acknowledging the pain of loss and the strength it takes to navigate such moments. Her genuine empathy became a source of unexpected comfort. To add to the already sweet gesture, after the speech I gave in honor of my father, before saying our goodbyes she even had a very 'Ate' talk with the man I was starting to date. She said something along the lines of “Oh you heard how wonderful a man Tito was, you better treat Alea like that or better ha.” It was a glimmer of light in the darkness of grief. Thank you because in all the interactions I’ve ever had with you, I am assured that you are without a doubt someone who has my back. To you, my girl-crush, I’ll forever be grateful to call you my good friend. And I hope you know I am cheering for you, always."
Friend for 27 years
"Geline and I became friends in Nursery. I was the kid who cried at school when my guardian left, and Geline was there by my side. I always felt that I understood her and she understood me even through long periods of no communication. We became classmates again in high school and we just gravitated towards each other as if no time had passed. I have very fond memories with Geline from my childhood and adolescence. We’ve been through fun times and not so fun times together, and I will always hold those memories very close to my heart. She has always been passionate, nurturing and dependable like a big sister to everyone (even though I’m older). I’m thankful for having crossed paths with her back when I was 4 years old and for still being a part of her life up to this day. I’ve had the privilege of witnessing her grow and evolve into the person that she is today, and I couldn’t be more proud of her."
Girl Friend for 8 years
"My friendship with Gel actually stemmed from an introduction through our mutual friends at a club in 2015. Yes, we were at the peak of our 20s and we had the best nights of our lives. We didn’t see each other quite often so we weren’t close, not until I moved to Singapore. She went there in the New Year of 2019 and got together, and that was the beginning of our friendship. I’m not gonna go into details, but we had wild adventures through life. Gel and I probably only saw each other twice a year or sometimes never. Still, we texted and stayed in touch, updating one another on our lives every once in a while. This year, 2022, was really a chance to reconnect. This was when I finally started to see how drastically and incredibly Gel had grown up. She let go of many negative people in her life. She let them stop defining how she saw herself. She was responsible and dependable. She believed in herself. She let someone stop hurting her once and for all. She became who she really was. And as it happens, all of this doesn't just occur at once. It's a process. I looked back and could see the signs of her gaining her sense of self. I've always admired Gel for her strength and perseverance. The way she lives in her truth is inspiring. I had the privilege of watching her grow into this powerful, confident woman. To this day, I am fortunate to be part of your journey to become Mrs. Potter. And I am grateful to Drew for coming into your life and loving you. And I’m glad you found him. You both deserve each other and the world. All my love, Athina"
Girl Friend for 6 years
"Met Gel back in 2018 at Cove Manila. She was introduced to me by a friend. What’s amazing is my first impression of her is a lot different from who she is (of course, in a good way lol). We gotta look for the good in the bad and I can honestly say that our friendship is one of the good ones I can take from that part of my life. I will always be thankful for this friendship and for her 💗 My favorite memory of Gel was before I left for Singapore. I was staying with Gel at her place and we just did normal everyday things like doing laundry, fixing or organizing my stuff before I left. Despite all those stuff being just everyday normal things to do, I still had fun and had the best laughs. Excited for you in this new journey to becoming Mrs. Potter!!! You know I will always be rooting for u and your happiness."
Bestfriend for 14 years
"According to Horoscope, Libra and Sagittarius friendship: 'This is one social pair of BFFs. Sagittarius' positive energy is infectious and draws attention from others, while Libra's natural charm catches even the most unpleasant people off guard. Together, these two know how to turn frowns upside down and get a party started.' 💯 I have always loved her vibe the moment I met her back in NSTP class. I love the confidence with her red hair and how she carried herself. And yes, she's a smarty pants cause she nailed her terror professors with flying colors. ⭐ We're very spontaneous yet grounded. From unexpected same schedule of school breaks every semester, to random Tekken game plays in MOA, to random Boracay trip because we 'just got lucky' to life-changing events, we were there for each other. 👯 Besh, Beshy Marie, and Beshy Cake, you are my rock! Didn't notice it's been 14 years! I Thank God we crossed paths in this so called life! I am deeply happy for this milestone of yours with Drew, besh! I will be your forever cheerleader! You are family to me, besh! 🥰"
Friend since High School/17 years
"I first met Gelz in high school, affectionately calling her 'Ate' Gelz. While we didn't initially form the 'main barkada', we clicked around third year. My favorite memory of Gelz was during the 'Artisaughn'. That's when we really bonded. It was a school project, but it turned out to be the most enjoyable one. Back then, she was the one who lightened the mood with her humor and contagious laugh. She's one of the strongest people I know. She isn't afraid to show who she truly is, and she stands firm with her values. I admire her for that."
Former colleague/Friend for 8 years
"I'll never forget when Geline and I first crossed paths at work in Makati. I was a nervous applicant, feeling out of my element. As I sat there, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the office, I couldn't help but feel a bit out of place. That is until Geline walked by. Gel's warm smile instantly made me feel at ease. Her simple gesture made all my nervousness disappear, and I knew right away that I had found a genuinely good person. As fate would have it, I worked closely with her; she was everything I had hoped for. Gel was not just a colleague but a true friend. She was always there to lend a helping hand, not just at work but in life, too. So, here's to a warm smile that turned strangers into lifelong friends. I am happy to stand by your side as you embark on the new chapter of your life, and I can't wait to see all the love and happiness that awaits you. Gel, I'm thrilled you've found the one who makes your heart sing! You're such a kind-hearted and caring person, and you truly deserve all the love and happiness in the world."
Friend since High School/17 years
"Geline and I met each other as classmates in high school from 1st year 2007 to 4th year 2010, then continued our friendship even after high school. I don't know when exactly we became close friends, however we really became close because we love rock music and its other sub-genres. We used to fan girl a lot on emo bands and especially because of this German band, Tokio Hotel. We also made a 'Poopie family' (we are all color-coded poopies🤣). Geline is my 'Red Poopie' and our group stayed friends even after high school and college but we all didn't outgrow the fangirling 😅. My first impression of Geline, back in 1st year high school was that she's cool, smart, and very outspoken. She is not afraid to voice out her thoughts and feelings. She is strong and will fight for what she knows is right. She was one of the 'ates' in our class because she’s very dependable and intelligent. I didn't think we would become close friends because she already had her very own friends right from the start, however she struggled finding good and genuine friends as she became the victim of jealousy and envious girls. She became the talk of the town, the topic of drama and issues because everyone hated her for being both too smart and beautiful. They wanted to be like her. A lot of them backstabbed and gossiped about her. I will never forget the crazy things we did as fangirls, and our adventures together where we listened to good music and just enjoyed our high school life. Geline was one of the people that made my high school life memorable and fun. "
Former colleague/Friend for 8 years
"We met around 2016 in the office. I was hired as an IT System Administrator and assigned to the night shift. It was my first day so I was introduced to everyone. That time, there was no vacant seat in the admin office for me, then my boss looked around but there was still none. He suddenly found a vacant seat at the corner of the side of one department. I saw this pretty ‘chinita’ girl sitting, wearing a headset, and focused on working. I told my boss, ‘She looks snobbish and unapproachable. She might get sassy at me.’ But my boss said, ‘No. She’s actually kind, she just looks unfriendly and she’s an ‘Englishera’. My boss introduced me to who will be my seatmate, which is Geline. As an extrovert, I’m really talkative, so I greeted Gel, ‘Hi. I’m Thea from IT’. She removed her headset to say hi back. The rest was history. The most memorable things with Gel are our dinner and breaks in the office. Who would’ve thought she enjoys eating ‘kwek-kwek’ at the street food stand, and foods from ‘jollyjeep’ at the back of our office building? And also how I would accompany her to Ayala Avenue because your girl is pretty and petite, so I always wanted to make sure she got to her ride home safely. I am so grateful that you’ve found The One. You deserve all of this!"
Two hearts are giving each other the promise of sharing a lifetime of dreams, laughter, and partnership.
Drew and Geline would be very grateful to be blessed by your presence in beginning their everyday forever.
This day is to also celebrate formed bonds and connections created through the years. Rekindle with old friendships and familiar faces.
Life happens, this is a chance to reminisce old memories and tell new stories.
"And suddenly you know; It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings." - Meister Eckhart
Geline will be settling down with Drew in the United States, to embark on their journey as a happy, married couple. It may be goodbye, but Geline's memories with you are forever.
The Christian ceremony for the exchange of vows shall begin at 3:00PM. Please arrive at least 30 minutes early to enjoy our welcome drinks and be seated with ease. The wedding is expected to be on schedule. To keep the wedding organized, guests arriving after the ceremony has started will have to wait after the bride walks down the aisle, to enter the ceremony venue and be seated.
We are having an unplugged ceremony. To respect the holiness of this union, the usage of cellphones shall be strictly prohibited from the beginning until the end of the ceremony.
We hired professional photographers and we want them to capture your beautiful, smiling faces on the photos — not the back of your cellphones.
If you are excited and want to post about the ceremony online, our professional content creators will take photos & videos (especially of the bride walking down the aisle), so you can fully focus during the ceremony instead of being on your phones. Made for social media (Instagram/Facebook stories), you may download these via a link and you can post them after the ceremony.
Refreshments will be served after the ceremony. Guests will have free time to mingle, take photos, and explore the venue while waiting for the reception ballroom to open its doors.
During this time, Drew & Geline will be having their exclusive wedding photoshoot.
Reception begins at 6:00PM and expected to end (including after party) at 11:00PM.
We know you'd love to capture the wonderful moments of the wedding and your fabulous golden looks. After the ceremony, you are free to use your cellphones and take photos, as you please!
We also hired a "photoman", basically a walking photobooth. Everyone can have their (unlimited) photos taken by our professional photography team and the souvenir prints that will be given to you at the wedding itself are completely for free. Digital copies of your photos for download will also be available 3 days after the wedding (we'll send you an email for the link).
The theme of the wedding is Baroque, so we want the day to be golden!
Color Palette
For more details, click here for outfit suggestions.
We're thrilled and grateful that you're coming to celebrate with us. Your presence at the wedding and supporting our wishes for the joyous event is already a wonderful gift you can give us.
If you would still like to honor us with a gift, please make a donation of any amount to the organizations we support. To view the list of our chosen charities/groups, click here.
You are here because we know our wedding will be more fun and memorable with you.
Girl Friend for 7 years